I look at most things simply as if its a tool. Each one has a specific use and once the tool is learned, it can be used it to manipulate a desired outcome. I’ve come understand that over time this process in learning and work, is where a craft can become an art.

My first love was photography, when I saw my first photograph come to life in a dark room the world changed for me. A series of machines manipulated as I chose, produced a image I now held in my hands. Looking at this image now I’d hardly call it art but this was the beginning of a new understanding for me.

That was over 20 years ago, and while it may seem like a stretch to make the correlation between photography and say.. welding, woodwork, or even knife making (which is hopefully what bought you here) ..any craft, I’d argue differently. The baseline is an individual with and understanding of his tools and knowledge of process, using them to create.

Now, while I would love tell you photography was a direct line to knife making, I simply can’t do that, but it was the passion for creating things with my own two hands. After spending over a decade working in a factory building aircraft, and craving a little more out of life, I packed up from New England and moved to a remote farm in south eastern Louisiana. Chasing new beginnings, I spent that chapter of my life pursuing woodwork, metal work, and exploring the second love of my life.. cooking.

This brings us to my knives. I don’t just have an understanding of tools, I have a love for them. The same way I’m passionate about cameras, and other machines, even instruments.. I’m also passionate about my knives. They are part of a toolbox that i’m using to create a meal, something i’m going to share with people very close to me. I’m creating them to uphold a certain amount of integrity, to get a job done. Hopefully with a bit of elegance that you can fall in love with too, As you work with them, As you create with them.

This current chapter of life has brought me back to New England where you can usually find the dog and I tucked away in the shop making knives we hope will last you a lifetime . If the doors are closed, chances are we’re recharging. probably salty in the Atlantic or dusty out West.